Compiled by GayToday
Washington, D.C.--Representatives of several anti-gay organizations met yesterday with Procter & Gamble (P&G) executives to try to pressure the company into reversing its decision not to sponsor a proposed Paramount television show featuring "Dr." Laura Schlessinger, who has made repeated defamatory remarks about gays and other groups of people. "Procter & Gamble has been a model of corporate responsibility for refusing to profit off of 'Dr.' Laura's intolerance," said Human Rights Campaign spokesperson Wayne Besen. "We hope this meeting will not change or affect Procter & Gamble's commitment to fairness and to treating all of its valued customers with the dignity and respect they deserve." Yesterday's meeting came only one day after anti-gay Reform Party presidential candidate Pat Buchanan named Schlessinger as a potential vice-presidential running mate. Buchanan has made several anti-gay statements in the past, including, "The poor homosexuals. They have declared war on nature, and now nature (AIDS) is exacting an awful retribution."
The Canadian Broadcast Standards Council (CBSC) has also blasted Schlessinger, finding she uses "abusively discriminatory" language against gays on her daily radio show. The CBSC's decision also suggested that Schlessinger's anti-gay rhetoric may "fertilize the ground" for "brutality" against gays and lesbians. Schlessinger also has referred to marriages between two people of different religions as "interfaithless" marriages. "Companies look at the derogatory comments she and her cohorts, such as Knight and Buchanan, have made and are concerned about associating their brand names and reputations with language that could lead to discrimination or violence against gay and lesbian people," said Besen. |