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Miami's Oral Majority Protests U.S. Attorney General

Compiled By GayToday

Miami, Florida--Calling the latest Oral Majority protest "an amazing day of firsts" chair Bob Kunst told GayToday how both he and others had protested during the arrival of U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft in the heart of Miami's Little Havana.

"First we got there by 10:30 a.m.," he said, and "Jeannine, with her video camera met me in front of the Versailles Rest., which is very well known and the hub of the Cuban Right Wing.
Speaking Out Against Mr. Bush: Oral Majority Founder Bob Kunst

"I was already talking with two City of Miami Police, showed them my permit and told why I was there and it was a very nice communication and we were to be across the street.

"Ashcroft was here to help Bush reach out to the Cuban-Americans for Jeb and W and the Cubans wanted Ashcroft to indict Castro for shooting down 4 Cubans, and also to deal with immigration on returning those caught at sea. Ashcroft at one time was actually against the Cuban Embargo.

"Meanwhile, this is the same Ashcroft who was beaten in his race for the U.S. Senate by a Dead Governor of Missouri.

"But before he got there, we in the Oral Majority were out across the street with our 'Bush Stole the Election' banner and 'Stop Bush' stop sign and a new poster I made this morning: 'Ashcroft: Investigate Stolen Election'.

"Channel 41, an Hispanic station came over to conduct an interview as well as Channel 7, Fox, and then videos from Channel 4 CBS and Ch51 Univision.

Then an African American gentleman came over with a sign that "Blacks also count", directed to Ashcroft.

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And shortly after that we now counted about 30 folks including a group protesting an African-American father of 5, himself in a wheelchair, with 7-8 bullets to his back and shot by the North Miami Beach Police. They also helped us with our signs and we were in unity with "No Justice, No Peace" chants as well as "We want Ashcroft".

I would also do interviews with the St. Louis Post Dispatch, and with A.P., and we had just a massive amount of media from across the street come over, including the national press to cover us and our chanting.

"The Cuban Right Wing, at the restaurant, had never seen this kind of thing before, and this too was a first, to be in the heart of Little Havana, and to the day marking the anniversary Elian Gonzalez was sent back with his father to Cuba, no less.

"So Ashcroft arrives with a dozen motorcycle police escort and three secret service vans and goes into the restaurant for food and politics.

"Within a half hour it is pouring rain on the whole scene, yet most of the protesters on our side stayed in the rain still chanting and still committed.

"Meanwhile we had only a couple of folks with thumbs down and one guy with a sign that Herald Recount-Bush Wins, which is sort of surprising when the Herald is considered poison by most here and the voice of the Banana Republic.

"And we had 6 who gave us horns of support.

"An interesting and amazing experience. I had gotten a call last night from Berkeley, Ca. to let me know that 100 had protested Ashcroft in Fresno, Ca. recently and Ashcroft had left in a hurry.

"Our focus for Ashcroft was a 15-point statement demanding that he conduct this Investigation as Janet Reno should have done when she was Attorney General but which she chose to cover up instead.

"No one would take our letter to give to Ashcroft which will be sent instead but we did copies to all the press."

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