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EchoStar/DISH Dumps Laura,
Joins Sears & Other Ad Giants

Compiled by GayToday
Courtesy of StopDrLaura.Com

drlauramoralfv.jpg - 10.03 K Dr. Laura receives an award for her work promoting 'family' values Washington, D.C.--EchoStar, owner of the DISH Network, pulled all its advertising Tuesday from the "Dr. Laura" radio show, has learned.

EchoStar had been cited by Schlessinger's radio syndication company, Premiere, as one of three loyal holdouts supporting the show in the face of a growing hemorrhage of advertisers leaving the show. In just the last week, two of those three advertisers (Sears and EchoStar) have now dropped Schlessinger.

"As an equal opportunity employer, EchoStar 's corporate culture does not reflect or support Dr. Laura's views," EchoStar said in a prepared statement given to by Judianne Atencio of the company's communications department. "EchoStar supports the right of free speech guaranteed under the First Amendment but we also assert our right to choose where to place our advertising dollars," the statement read.

Just last week (July 24), Kraig Kitchin, president and chief operating officer of Premiere Radio Networks, syndicator of the ``Dr. Laura'' show, told Reuters that retailing giant Sears, Roebuck and Co., direct-broadcast satellite provider EchoStar Communications Corp., and online discounter were all "standing by" Schlessinger, and not dropping their advertising in the face of the growing controversy. Yet seven days later, two of the three have now fled the "Dr. Laura" show.

"We hadn't even begun to focus on EchoStar/DISH Network when they made their decision," said John Aravosis, co-founder of "Apparently, angry customers took it upon themselves to contact EchoStar and complain about the ads. Potential Dr. Laura advertisers should be warned that consumers are watching, and voting with their wallets."

In addition to EchoStar, just Tuesday it was revealed that the Ohio State Lottery had also dropped Schlessinger. Just one day prior to that announcement, Sears also pulled its advertising.

In the last two weeks, Geico and SkyTel made similar announcements.

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In addition, the following companies have also cut their ties to Schlessinger's show since was launched on March 1: Procter & Gamble, Sears, Ohio State Lottery, Kraft, Amica Insurance,, American Express, United Airlines,, Xerox, AT&T and TCF Bank.

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