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'Don't Be Fooled by Councils'
Boy Scout Rhetoric'

Compiled by GayToday

Scouting for All's Steven Cozza, and his father, Scott, are fighting for the right for gays to be included in the Boy Scouts of America Over the last few months several Scout Councils in the United States seemed to have attempted to mislead the public and funders into believing that they don't discriminate against gay scouts or leaders. Several councils have said they have adopted a "new" policy.

The Minsi Trail Council of Allentown, Pennsylvania, and the Hiawatha Seaway Council of Syracuse, New York all reported in recent months to the news media that they have adopted a policy that focuses on "inappropriate behavior" and not sexual orientation. Most recently The Minuteman Council of Boston, Massachusetts has been quoted as saying they have adopted a new policy of "don't ask don't tell."

Scott Cozza, the President of Scouting for All made contacts with these Scout Councils and all reported they continue to follow the National Boy Scouts of America's current policy of excluding gays from scouting. One such interaction took place between Scott Cozza and Tom Herrington, Executive of the Minsi Trail Council. Cozza, asked Tom Herrington, "If a scout or scout leader were reported to the Minsi Trail Council for being gay by a parent or another scout leader how would the Council respond?"

Mr. Herrington answered the question by stating, "The Council adheres to the National BSA policy of excluding homosexuals from scouting." Mr. Herrington further stated, " We don't have a policy (referring to their "new" behavior policy) different from the National organization. It was approved by the National office."

Mr. Herrington also agreed with Mr. Cozza, that his Council's "new" policy focusing on behavior was nothing new to scouting. National BSA has always had a policy to terminate members from scouting for "inappropriate behavior."

It seems very clear that the National BSA is giving consent to the some local Councils to reword current policy so that it can be interpreted in such a way as to meet funder anti-discrimination requirements. For example the Minsi Trail Council with its "new" policy was granted funding from the United Way of the Greater Lehigh Valley.

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Steven Cozza: Boy Scout Extraordinaire

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Related Sites:
Scouting for All

Boy Scouts of America

GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Mr. Cozza, spoke to Mr. Scharff, Executive of the UW of the Greater Lehigh Valley. Mr. Scharff was surprised to hear the statements of Mr. Herrington, that the Council continues to adhere to the National BSA policy of discrimination against gays and atheists. After finding this out Mr. Scharff, representing the UNGLV found it very difficult to take any action because in Mr. Scharff's words, "the religious right has threatened to pull funding from the Lehigh United Way if we discontinued funding the local council."

Scouting for All is cautioning the general public and funders of the Boy Scouts of America whose funding is dependent on anti-discrimination policies to not be "fooled" by the rhetoric of the National BSA and some Scout Councils, who claim to have a "new" policy. The truth is the only Scout Council in America who absolutely does not adhere to the BSA policy of discrimination is the Piedmont Council in Piedmont, California. The Piedmont Council told the National BSA in a letter that their current policy of excluding gays from scouting was in violation of both the Scout Oath and Law and they would not adhere to such a policy.

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