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Florida Candidate Bob Kunst
Blasts Governor Jeb Bush

Compiled By GayToday

Veteran activist Bob Kunst is seeking to win the Florida governor's seat in 2002 Tallahassee, Florida-Veteran Florida social justice activist, Bob Kunst, whose 'Bush Stole the Election' movement has attracted a plethora of adherents from coast to coast, announced his candidacy here Monday, distributing a leaflet telling why he's decided to run against incumbent Gov. Jeb Bush for the governor's seat.

"The best way kick George W out of the White House," Kunst explained to GayToday "is to campaign on the road and to shame Jeb Bush out of the Florida governor's mansion in 2002. Jeb, as many Floridians know, helped steal Election 2000."

Kunst's written announcement says:

Free Florida from Jeb Bush-Protect Florida with Bob Kunst Kunst will Hold Jeb accountable for Stealing the 2000 Election! Jeb Cooperates with Greedy Powers Working to Rape Florida End Jeb's Ruination of Our Paradise, Our Freedoms, Our Lives!


Bob Kunst won't surrender to the passive notion of covering-up the vote theft of Election 2000. He has been standing up to George W. Bush and his brother Jeb and to Florida's fat cat elitists-whether Republicans or Democrats.

These people enjoy a free ride, he says, fueled by a greed-energized corporate media. Bob Kunst rejects their 'Forget the stolen Election and lets move on' mentalities. Bob Kunst is the implacable foe of their timid indifference to Election 2000's illegal seizure. He calls attention to media's moguls of public apathy who promote an outright DENIAL of the Election's theft.

America, Bob Kunst says, is suffering in the midst of a coup d'etat, one engineered by the U.S. Supreme Court, an institution with 5 members guilty of HIGH TREASON for having chosen to appoint White House Resident George W. Bush. Kunst rejects the mistaken notion that Floridians are voting booth incompetents, the media's lame excuse for having ignored Election 2000's Tallahassee-based thieves.

Bob Kunst, 59, is a native of Miami Beach. His protest group, the Oral Majority, has, since November 7 (Election Day), completed 163 protests and events in 36 cities, drawing a minimum of needed attention to the stolen election in nearly 700 media outlets.

Between November 7, 2000 and August 27, 2001 Kunst's "Gore Won--Bush Stole The Election" campaign has drawn vast grassroots support demanding as Kunst does a federal investigation of voter manipulations by Jeb Bush's administration and involving Katherine Harris and 20 Supervisors of Elections. These traitors to Democracy have yet to conduct a mandatory recount by machines involving 1,800,000 Floridians, a mere iceburg tip of the Election's Grand Theft.

Demanding justice and accountability, Bob Kunst will not allow vote thieves off the hook. To do so, he says, is to invite these thieves to steal the next election also. Kunst doesn't simply want Katherine Harris to resign, as some timid, GOP-cooperative Democratic officials have suggested. Just put her on trial, Kunst says, and then put her in jail where she belongs with other equally guilty offenders.

Why, Kunst asks, has Attorney General Bob Butterworth, responsible for Gore's campaign in Florida, chosen to ignore 2,600 voter fraud complaints and 30,000 voter fraud affidavits submitted from Palm Beach and Broward Counties?

Since the unDemocratic Party and its 7 "acceptable" candidates for Governor are refusing to talk about the stolen Election, Bob Kunst officially declared himself a candidate for Governor in the Democratic Primary. He's been virtually ignored by the official cover-up crowd, however, since June 1, 2001.

Bob Kunst remains the ONLY Democrat who can DEFEAT Jeb Bush. Florida's citizens, he has discovered traveling throughout the state, have been much angered by the truth about the Bush administration's criminal treatment of their votes. "This is the second American Revolution!" announces Kunst.

A Vote For Kunst is a vote to investigate "Floridagate". Former Attorney General Janet Reno chose to ignore voter complaints, and now refuses to discuss the Election.

A Vote For Kunst is a vote to "Impeach" the U.S. Supreme Court as Traitors. Oregon's State Democratic Party agrees with Kunst on this issue, but Florida's Democratic Party bigwigs don't. They betray what so many have given their lives and limbs to preserve.

Only last month "W" gave $56 million to J. Jones Co. to build a WWII Memorial to GI's This company's parent company is Philip Hortzmann, which helped build the Death Camps with Jewish Slave Labor and was Hitler's builder and last year was fined $30 million in a bid-rigging scam. This shows how low goes America under the Bushes: hiring a Nazi outfit to build America's WWII Memorial. A Vote for Kunst is a vote to stop the raping and pillaging of the Florida Paradise. While traitor Jeb sells our beautiful state to the highest bidders receiving $2 billion in tax breaks. Jeb thereby puts Florida $800 million in the red for social services and education.

Kunst promises voters a refund, no matter the costs, to keep all alive and enjoying quality of life. This includes co-op drug buying, care for veterans and seniors as well as the revamping of the state's public school system that Jeb's trying to destroy. Private religious schools will not, under Kunst, be able to dip into public school funds that offer them paid vouchers or transfer public moneys to bigoted faith-based charities. Kunst would maintain the separation of church and state.

Kunst would abolish Florida's long-time 'right to work' policy which gives power to employers and nothing to employees. Kunst is against Jeb's 25% cut of all state jobs and Kunst supports 19,000 AFSCME employees.

A Vote for Kunst means an end to Jeb's phoney citrus canker eradication, an end to ENRON and 57 other power polluting plants. Kunst opposes Jeb's catering to uncontrolled over-development tycoons who aim at doubling the state's population to 30 million.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:

Orlando Democrats Hear Bob Kunst's Bid for the Governor's Race

Bob Kunst Attacks Election 2000's Thieves

The Illegitimate Presidency--The USA's Coup d'etat

Related Sites:
Oral Majority

GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Kunst will eliminate Billboard Blight, the De-Sal plants planned for Tampa, the cement plant by Ichetucknee River and Jeb's statewide poisoning of our water, food and air. Jeb's plan to lower arsenic standards and raw sewage levels must be fought. Kunst won't sell out as Jeb has done. As Florida's governor, Kunst will stop oil drilling in the Gulf.

A Vote For Kunst is a vote for Gay, Bisexual and Heterosexual Rights, ERA, and the legalization of marijuana. He calls for an end to the Cuban Embargo, the Cuban Adjustment Act and he urges the concept of Freedom to Travel for all Americans.

All Consenting Adults are invited to Florida, which will be, under Governor Kunst, the Freedom Capitol of the World. Spy cameras will be out. Bike paths will be in, as well as Day Care and all caring which is not based on politics, or on the building of empires and the cutting up of the money pie which Jeb does to the detriment of Florida's citizens. Kunst will protect, preserve, replant and promote our Paradise, standing up for Florida's heritage.

A Vote For Kunst is EMPOWERMENT against business as usual politics. Kunst will mobilize the protest vote. ( He plans, with your help, to win the Democratic Primary with a Plurality. There will also be help from outraged others joining with Democrats to protest Jeb's greedy corporate rule.

Kunst is the Democratic Party's #1 chance to win the governor's race. He says we must take back our country and remind the fat cats what our nation is about. The best way to protest the rule of "W", is through Jeb. Your vote sets the tone for 2002 and 2004.
Kunst for Governor Campaign,
P.O. Box 402263, Miami Beach, Florida. 33140.
Telephone: 305-864-5110

Yours Faithfully,
Bob Kunst,
An American Patriot, Loyal Democrat and Florida's Next Governor

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