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National Groups Mark Anniversary
of Election 2000 Fiasco

Compiled By GayToday

Groups nationwide are planning demonstrations between December 9-12 to mark the one-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in Bush vs. Gore which, they say, "stopped the legal hand count of votes in the Florida election by a partisan and unethical 5 Court majority of conservative U.S. Supreme Court Justices." W. and the infamous Butterfly Ballot


December 10, Monday, 7 PM, Election Forum is sponsoring a forum to bring together authors of books about the 2000 election and its aftermath. The event will be held at the Kay Spiritual Life Center on the American University campus in Washington. More information about the event including a map of the AU campus may be found at

December 12, Wednesday - East Front Capitol Steps, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm "We Have Not Forgotten - Washington D.C."

Protest the one year Anniversary of the partisan U.S. Supreme Court decision in Bush v. Gore. Protest rally to be held at the East Front Capitol Steps, directly across from the United States Supreme Court, and will include march along the U.S. Supreme Court sidewalk. Bring your signs and placards. No formal speakers schedule. Co-sponsored by Voter March and Citizens for a Legitimate Government. For additional information, click on


December 12, Wednesday, 6:00 pm to 8:30 pm, Great Hall at Cooper Union: Speakers forum sponsored by and co-sponsored by Voter March. Distinguished list of speakers. For more information and to purchase tickets, for Rising from the Ashes: Towards Democratic Victories in 2002 and 2004, click on

"WE Have Not Forgotten - New York City" December 12, Wednesday 9:00 pm until ......@ Walker Stage, 56 Walker Street, Tribeca

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Related Sites:

Voter March

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Following the speakers forum at Cooper Union, Voter March will sponsor a reception and film festival at Walker Stage. Featuring the new documentary film of Vincent Bugliosi and Greg Palast at the Voter March - New York City event in July 2001 "Election 2000: The Stolen Presidency." Admission is free! Cash bar for beer, wine and soda. For more information, click on


December 9., Sunday., COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA. 1:00 PM, PROTEST RALLY Patriotic Pro-Democracy rally and march in Costa Mesa at the South Coast Plaza for about 2-3 hours. For more information and updates, click on

December 12., Wednesday., OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA., 5 p.m., VIGIL Vigil in front of the Federal Building, 1301 Clay, Oakland, CA, to remember the day the Supreme Court nullified our votes. Sponsored by Voter March West. For additional info., click on

December 12., SANTA ANA, CALIFORNIA., 6:00 PM, CANDLE LIGHT VIGIL and MARCH Santa Ana Federal Building to the Ronald Reagan Federal Courthouse. For more information and updates, click on
Voter March One Year Anniversary Merchandise Special:

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