Compiled by GayToday
Washington, D.C.--The National Association Of Black and White Men
Together (NABWMT) a gay, multi-racial, multi-cultural
association with more than 25 chapters across the
United States, voted unanimously at its most recent
Board of Directors meeting, NOT to endorse the Millennium March on Washington
scheduled to take place the last weekend in April, 2000.
This action was taken, say directors, after extensive discussions
about the genesis, development, and leadership of the March.
They recall:
"From the initial exclusion of all but the two largest LGBT
organizations in announcing this event, through
continued top-down direction of its development,
the group's leadership notes that People of Color have
not been part of the process.
"The late initiation of 'community' forums that
included significant time spent in closed door
sessions continue to belie the arguments made by
the organizers about 'grass-roots' input.
"It is a shame that in 1999 there has been less effort
made at true community input at the grass-roots
level, than in the 1993, 1987 and 1979 marches,"
said the Association's leaders.
Their announcement states:
"The NABWMT regrets that the infrastructure of
corporate-style top-down leadership continues the
practices of our larger society of excluding
people of color from leadership and
decision-making, except for later 'token'
perfunctory efforts at input. Of course, we
respect the right of any individual to
participate in the march if they so choose.
Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
Stop the March Madness: Open Letters
To March or Not to March
Behind the Millennium March Debate
Related Sites:
National Association of Black & White Men Together
GayToday does not endorse related sites.
"To further emphasize our distaste for the above
event, the NABWMT Board of Directors has moved
our Spring meeting in Washington, D.C. from the
same weekend as the Millennium March to a date
two weeks earlier."