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International Gay & Lesbian Ass'n
Secretary General at Risk

Compiled by GayToday
International Gay & Lesbian Association

Five years ago, in 1996, when the women's group KALAKASAN agreed to rescue the battered wife of Rodolfo Farinas, the powerful governor of Ilocos Norte in the Philippines, they knew they risked challenging a notorious warlord. Farinas was one of those who continued to maintain a private army long after his patron, the dictator Ferdinand Marcos, was gone.

It was during her few days of freedom that the wife, a well-known actress named Maria Teresa Carlson, decided to call the media. She shocked the Philippine public with what became the most-highly publicized litany of torture and battery endured by a woman in the hands of her husband, a high government official.
Maria Teresa Carlson: At the center of the storm

But because, like many battered wives, Carlson eventually returned to her husband's fortress, the backlash KALAKASAN experienced was quick to come.

The KALAKASAN Director at that time was Anna Leah Sarabia, a women's rights activist, founder of the lesbian organization Can't Live in the Closet (CLIC), and the current Co-Secretary General of the International Lesbian and Gay Association (ILGA). Farinas publicly berated and threatened Sarabia, using her lesbian identity as grounds to sue her for alleged "alienation of affection" and for convincing his wife to leave him.

Curiously, despite Carlson's public plea to the authorities for help, and the resulting harassment that Sarabia was subjected to, not a single government agency intervened. In fact, Department of Social Welfare officials even criticized Sarabia for taking the agency to task for ignoring Carlson's pleas.

The saga did not end there. Last November 23, Carlson jumped to her death in what the police described as suicide. As the person most closely identified with Carlson's case, Sarabia was asked if she thought that the suicide was related to Carlson's ordeal. For telling the truth, and for calling the public to action against domestic violence, Sarabia risked the wrath of Farinas.

But Farinas was not prepared for the response. By a strange twist of fate, Carlson's death plunge came just two days before women's groups in the Philippines were to begin the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence.

Public forums on violence against women, television interviews, and even novenas of church women suddenly focused on the Carlson case. The public expressed its anger at Farinas and at government inaction by supporting these activities.

The day after he buried his wife, Farinas launched a hate campaign against Sarabia, KALAKASAN and all "those women's groups" that are "just all lesbians."

In interview after television interview after he buried his wife, Farinas mentioned "that Attorney Sarabia", "that lesbian". Without shame or fear, he announced "I will make them all pay" and "I will make her pay" for damaging his reputation.

In the same manner that the government took no action five years ago, the government of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, the Philippines' second woman president, has said nothing, and done nothing.

Despite public cries for an investigation of Farinas, of allegations of child abuse, and of his threats against Sarabia and women's groups, Arroyo has decided to ignore the entire problem.

More than thirty women's NGOs have pleaded for the urgent passage of a Law against Domestic Violence, while the media and the public have raised the issue of women's human rights and the safety of women activists for three weeks now - but Arroyo has keep silent.

In the meantime, while Farinas walks free, the lives of Sarabia and other women who would dare testify against him are in danger. Sarabia is now put on the defensive and must seek protection from various private organizations and individuals for herself and for her family.

The International Lesbian and Gay Association is undertaking an international campaign to pressure the Philippine government into action, to investigate Farinas, and to protect the lives of women activists like Sarabia. No more lives need be lost to this preventable crime against women.

Related Stories from the GayToday Archive:
World's Gay Leaders Meet in Oakland, California

ILGA's End of the Century Message

ILGA: 21st Euro Conference Targets European Institutions

Related Sites:
International Lesbian & Gay Association
GayToday does not endorse related sites.

Please help us by spreading this message to all of your contacts and by writing to the following persons:

1. Her Excellency Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
President, Republic of the Philippines
Malacanang Palace
Fax: +63-2-736-8621

2. Hon. Corazon Juliano Soliman
Department of Social Welfare and Development
Direct Line: +63-2-931-79-16
Fax # : +63-2-931-81-91
E-Mail Add.:

3. Hon. Atty. Aurora Recinia
Chair, Commission on Human Rights
Fax: +63-2-929-0102

4.Hon. Aurora Javate de Dios
National Commission on the Role of Filipino Women
Direct Line: +63-2-735-18-64
Fax # : +63-2-736-44-49
E-Mail Add.:

5. Senator Franklin M. Drilon
Senate of the Philippines
Direct Line: +63-2-552-67-81 or 552-68-76
Fax # : +63-2-551-29-93
E-Mail Add:.

6. Representative Jose de Venecia
House of Representatives
Philippine Congress
Direct Line: +63-2-931-62-16
Fax #: +63-2-931-55-56

You may also forward your messages of support to the Task Force on Justice for Maria Teresa Carlson and Other Victims of Violence against Women in the Home to and

Please send copies of your messages to ILGA at

For further information, contact:
Anna Leah Sarabia
Mobile phone: +63 918 920 4552
Office: +63 2 924 4945 or 921 2222
E-mail: or

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