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Traditional Values Coalition:
Forget Unmarried 9-11 Survivors

Compiled by GayToday
Traditional Values Coalition

Washington, D.C.--The Traditional Values Coalition, an interdenominational [homophobic] public policy organization, says that it has connections with more than 43,000 churches across the continental United States and Puerto Rico. Its chair, Reverend Louis P. Sheldon, now asserts that he is deeply concerned that "tax dollars may go to the unmarried sex partner survivors of those who died in the events of 9-11." The Rev. Lou Sheldon: Fighting against "sex partner" survivors

"Justice Department official Kenneth Feinberg's victim funds policy announcement yesterday leaves open the possibility that tax dollars will be diverted away from families to unmarried partners."

Reverend Sheldon says he is responding to Special Master Feinberg's announcement that the disbursement of federal victim funds will be made on a case by case basis, based on the income and marital status of the deceased.

He complains:

"Homosexual activists have been trying to change federal policies to get the federal government to recognize so-called 'domestic partners' who will receive victim funds."

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Traditional Values Coaltion
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Reverend Sheldon, particularly emphasizing "sex" to make his points, seems most fearful of "homosexual activism." He says:

"The federal government has no law recognizing domestic partners and should not establish such a policy now through this process. These are federal tax dollars and federal law should apply. This is not the time for our federal government to redefine the family in order to cater to homosexual activism. Tax dollars for victim assistance should only go to the survivors of 9-11 victims who are related by marriage, blood, or adoption. No funds should go to unrelated sex partners."

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