GOP Rep. David Schweikert’s desperate ad calling opponent gay blows up right in his face

US Representative David Schweikert’s official portrait for the 116th United States Congress

We’re not sure which is a worse look for a politician–inventing baseless rumors about your opponent’s sexuality, or arguing that anyone who isn’t straight is unfit for public office. They’re both repugnant.

But the moves are both favorites in Arizona state Rep. David Schweikert’s playbook, only this time they seem to be backfiring.

The six-term Republican Congress member and his campaign allies were sued this week by a man featured in their ads implying Schweikert’s primary opponent, Elijah Norton, is gay and therefore unqualified.

Leslie Hammon was more than a bit surprised when a photo of him and Norton…

Read full story, and more, from Source: GOP Rep. David Schweikert’s desperate ad calling opponent gay blows up right in his face


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