Preacher calls gay people “AIDS dispensers” in disgusting rant

People in the crowd yelled in agreement.

In a recent sermon, Christian preacher Jason Graber declared that gay people were “AIDS dispensers” who should not be “able to breathe air.”

The rant began with Graber discussing how former President Trump made “a bunch of mistakes.”

“One of the big mistakes I think he made were they were having a campaign to make it so that fa**ots could donate blood,” he continued. “That’s a stupid thing to do. You’re gonna kill a lot of people by doing that. I mean we call them AIDS dispensers for a reason.”

As he said this, people in the crowd yelled in agreement.

“No fa**ot should be able to donate blood,” Graber continued, “but then again no fa**ot should be able to breathe air.”

Graber is a New Independent Fundamental Baptist (New IFB) preacher at Sure Foundation Baptist Church in Spokane, Washington. He has previously called for the execution of gay people and once called for LGBTQ+-accepting teachers to be shot…

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