One Million Moms loses it over sweet ad with a heap of handsome grooms

(Photo: Men’s Wearhouse)

The latest advert to trigger right-wing, evangelical Christian protest group One Million Moms comes courtesy of Men’s Wearhouse.

The men’s clothing retailer sells a wide range of suits, some of which are perfect for weddings.

One of its recent adverts highlights its wedding attire. We think it’s worth a share because not only does it feature a collection of handsome and hunky grooms, but it includes a same-sex couple.

“Homosexuality is unnatural”

It certainly puts Men’s Wearhouse on our radar as a suit supplier.

However, the folk at One Million Moms felt differently. They have urged supporters to sign a petition to register their disgust. It said it particularly objected to the advert airing at 6pm when children might see it.

“Men’s Wearhouse should be ashamed of attempting to normalize sin by featuring two gay men getting married in their 2023 ‘Love the way you look on your big day’ commercial,” the group fumed in a message on its website.

“It includes two men dressed in wedding attire, hand in hand after their ceremony, and emphasizes during the ad…

Read full story, and more, from Source: One Million Moms loses it over sweet ad with a heap of handsome grooms


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