Gay dads’ dream of owning a restaurant turned into a nightmare by allegedly corrupt city official

She falsely accused them of sex trafficking their own 4-year-old, sprayed their building with feces, and tried to scam them out of thousands.

Gary Garcia and Chad Pritchett
Photo: Screenshot/NBCDFW

A former Texas city administrator charged with embezzling hundreds of thousands of dollars also allegedly waged a campaign of harassment against a gay couple, including filing a false child abuse claim against them.

In January 2020, married couple Gary Garcia and Chad Pritchett opened Atomic Taco in a complex in Aurora, Texas owned by then-city administrator Toni Wheeler. According to The Messenger, Wheeler refused to repair the restaurant’s malfunctioning septic system, which Garcia and Pritchett later discovered was connected to at least four different restaurants, though only intended to service an 800-square-foot home. Garcia alleges that Wheeler later installed septic sprinklers close to Atomic Taco, which he says sprayed raw sewage directly onto the building.

After the couple filed a complaint with the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Wheeler used her position in city government to…

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