Attorneys general from around the nation are getting involved in local school board fight

A court case in Maryland is drawing national attention – and support for LGBTQ+ students.

A Maryland school board has found itself embroiled in controversy after they included books with LGBTQ+ characters and themes into the curriculum.

The district doesn’t provide parents with an option to force their children to “opt out” of reading required literature. Parents have sued, saying state law gives them that right.

In August, a federal judge ruled that parents don’t have the right to opt their kids out of classes because teachers use books with LGBTQ+ characters. The parents insisted that the children’s books constituted “sex education.”

According to a district statement on its “Inclusive and Welcoming Learning” initiative, the LGBTQ+-inclusive materials are part of the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) efforts to cultivate “an inclusive and welcoming learning environment” and “to create opportunities where all students see themselves and their families in curriculum materials.”

While the judge’s decision against the parents allowed…

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