Christian photographer wins right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ couples

A wedding photographer photographing a bride with her groom and family.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

A photographer represented by the anti-LGBTQ+ hate group Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) has won the right to discriminate against LGBTQ+ couples.

Bob Updegrove, a Christian photographer, sued the state of Virginia after it passed a 2020 law adding sexual orientation and gender identity to its non-discrimination laws.

With the help of ADF, Updegrove filed a pre-enforcement challenge, meaning that he wanted to prove the law was unjust before it even affected him. The district court dismissed this effort, but Updegrove appealed. Now, he has settled with the state of Virginia, which has promised not to enforce the anti-discrimination law for Updegrove.

The settlement states that Virginia cannot…

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