Conservative pundit Matt Walsh compares gay people raising kids to cutting a kid’s arm off

The humorless Matt Walsh
Photo: Screenshot

Anti-LGBTQ+ pundit Matt Walsh said that it would be better to rip the arms off a child than to let them be raised by a same-sex couple.

Walsh, the Daily Wire commentator who made a name for himself with his anti-transgender movie What is a Woman?, has long opposed LGBTQ+ people being parents, and he made his antipathy apparent in a screed on a recent broadcast where he said that voluntary surrogacy is the same as “human trafficking.”

“Now, if you hear all of that, how human bodies are rented for money, babies are exchanged as part of contractual agreements, and you think to yourself, wow, that sounds an awful lot like human trafficking, well, that just means you’re more perceptive than the average moderate conservative who is always on hand to wish a hearty congratulations to gay couples who engage in this trafficking,” he said. “Because it is indeed human trafficking by definition.”

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security defines human trafficking as “the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act.” Surrogacy does not meet this definition.

Walsh then decided that the best comparison for same-sex couples raising kids is…

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