Argentina’s New President Alarms LGBTQ+ Activists With Closure of Diversity Ministry

Javier Milei
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Javier Milei, the new, far-right president of Argentina, has eliminated the nation’s Women, Gender and Diversity Ministry.

Then-President Alberto Fernández had created the ministry in 2019. Its duties will now be turned over to the Ministry of Human Capital, the Washington Blade reports.

Milei, who has been likened to Donald Trump, “has created a new government structure that has raised concerns, especially among LGBTQ rights activists in the country that has been at the vanguard of expanding rights to sexual and gender minorities,” the Blade notes.

Milei’s action shows he does not consider women’s and LGBTQ+ issues to be high-priority, Congressman Esteban Paulón told the Blade.

“These are extremely relevant issues that are lost…

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