Gen Z most likely to identify as queer or bisexual

More than 20 percent of Gen Z, those born between 1997 and 2012, identified as LGBTQ+ in 2021, according to one study. New results have found that 26% identify as “something other than straight.”

The group is by far the most likely to consider themselves sexually fluid when compared to millennials (15%), Gen X (11%), or boomers (7%).

And the results show that the group is much more likely to reject terms like “gay” or “lesbian” in favor of “queer,” “bisexual,” or “pansexual.”

LGBTQ+ representation has skyrocketed over the past two decades and an increase in the number of people who identify as part of the community has also steadily risen. While bisexuals have always been the largest part of the group, more and more are..

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