Big retailers in California will now have to offer gender-neutral toy aisles

Gender-neutral toy aisles will now be required in large stores like Target in California as a new law has gone into effect with the new year.

The law, which passed in 2021, requires stores in the state with 500 or more employees to offer a gender-neutral toy section. Stores that don’t comply will be fined $250 for the first violation and $500 for subsequent violations.

The bill was introduced by out Assemblymember Evan Low (D), who said that an eight-year-old asked him, “Why should a store tell me what a girl’s shirt or toy is?” That inspired him to introduce the bill.

“Her bill will help children express themselves freely and without bias. We need to let kids be kids,” he said.

The law won’t force stores to get rid of separate boys’ and girls’ toy sections. Instead, it just requires…

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