MAGA pundits want Christians to beat up kids with same-sex parents

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A trio of white Christian Nationalists put the unmitigated bigotry of the MAGA era on full display last week by gathering on the online program CrossTalk to reveal the depth of their animus for gay people — and gay children in particular.

The three panelists openly promoted beating up the children of gay parents. They also endorsed school children serving as moral referees who safeguard Christian values on the playground.

As for gay kids, children with lisps “need to go back in the closet.”

CrossTalk is hosted by right-wing conspiracy theorists Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke, who were joined by Vincent James, an antisemitic and self-declared fascist who is treasurer for white nationalist Nick Fuentes’ America First organization.

Szall and Witzke created CrossTalk after they were fired from another bigoted and virulently antisemitic program, TruNews, in 2021.

On Wednesday, the trio’s conversation revolved around their paranoid assertion that..

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