Oklahoma Republican falls for furry conspiracy, proposes bill unleashing animal control on students

Furry Weekend Atlanta 2015
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

An Oklahoma Republican lawmaker, state Rep. Justin Humphrey, has introduced a controversial bill seemingly targeting students who identify as furries in schools. This development comes as thousands of bills are being filed before the 2024 Oklahoma legislative sessions, many of which are unlikely to become law.

House Bill 3084 prohibits students who claim to be imaginary animals or engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly associated with the furry subculture from participating in school activities, The Oklahomanreports. Under the proposed legislation, parents or guardians must pick up these students from school. In an unprecedented move, if parents cannot do so, the bill mandates that animal control services should be contacted to remove the student.

Humphrey’s proposal aligns with a broader conservative narrative that has seen similar unfounded claims being made nationwide.

These claims have been widely debunked, often involving myths about schools..

Read full story, and more, from Source: Oklahoma Republican falls for furry conspiracy, proposes bill unleashing animal control on students


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