New study points the way for gay men to have babies using DNA from both partners

New research to tackle infertility again suggests it’s possible to convert skin cells into egg cells. The technique uses the same method to create Dolly, the cloned sheep, some 20 years ago.

Although researchers say a practical use is at least ten years away, they believe it could help infertile couples and women unable to produce eggs.

It could also be used by two men to create an embryo using both their DNA. This would then be carried to term by a surrogate mother.

At present, gay male couples wanting a biological child of their own will need an egg from a donor. This has DNA from the biological egg donor. Semen from one of the men then fertilizes the egg.

Oregon study

Researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) have undertaken this new study. The results appeared in the journal Science Advance.

They undertook the process, known as…

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