Anti-vaxx pastor says Pride Month is a “curse” designed to “groom & sexualize” children

Evangelical megachurch pastor Mario Murillo has penned an opus on his church website dedicated to smearing LGBTQ+ people and Pride Month as a “national disgrace.”

“Why do Mothers get only one day, but the LGBTQ agenda gets an entire month?” Murillo asks. “That tells us everything about the condition of America.” He added that fathers and fallen soldiers also get one day, but LGBTQ+ people get a month because “it is a campaign to groom and sexualize our children” and “their extremes leave no doubt about this.”

Murillo claimed Pride Month is celebrated in June because it is a common month for weddings and “their target was always marriage and family.”

“They want to remove the institutions and the morality which has protected civilization for thousands of years. And they get a whole month to celebrate it.”

“This is a month about celebrating sexual behavior,” he said. “What did we expect it to produce?”

The real reason June is Pride Month is because…

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