Gay Fox News pundit says he may vote for Donald Trump only because he was convicted

Guy Benson
Photo: YouTube clip

Gay conservative and Fox News contributor Guy Benson has said he will vote for anti-LGBTQ+ former President Donald Trump, despite claiming he voted against Trump twice in the past, because Benson believes that Trump’s recent conviction for 34 felon criminal charges was based on a “rigged” and “political” trial that was “a major abuse of the criminal system.”

“I have found Donald Trump to be a volatile, capricious, myopic, petty man for as long as I’ve been aware of his existence,” Benson wrote on the right-wing site Townhall. “After the Capitol riot of January 6, 2021, for which I hold Trump principally responsible, I called his conduct impeachable and wrote that the GOP would be ‘demented’ to nominate Trump again…. But for the first time, I am seriously reconsidering my planned choice.”

“What I’m grappling with now is whether the appalling lawfare so brazenly employed against Trump in this case is more dangerous than anything Trump, and his worst excesses, represent,” Benson continued. “The goal [of the trial] here, as I see it, has been to…

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