Federal appeals court shuts down kid’s lawsuit to wear a transphobic t-shirt to school

8th grader Liam Morrison
Photo: Alliance Defending Freedom

An eighth-grade boy has lost his appeal in a case that tested the right of school administrators to regulate hate speech on school campuses.

In 2023, 12-year-old Liam Morrison sued John T. Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts after he was barred from class for wearing a t-shirt on campus bearing the phrase “There are only two genders,” an expression often used by anti-LGBTQ+ activists to mean that trans identities are not valid.

Morrison, then in seventh grade, was called into a meeting with administrators, who told him there had been complaints about the shirt’s message and that it violated the school’s prohibition on hate speech. After being told he would have to remove the shirt before returning to class, Morrison refused and left school for the day. There was no subsequent disciplinary action.

Two months later, Morrison showed up on campus in the same shirt but…

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