Donald Trump’s ties with conservative evangelicals are far stronger now than they were in 2020

President Donald J. Trump delivers remarks at a Faith and Freedom Coalition Road to Majority 2019 Conference Wednesday, June 26, 2019, at the Washington Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

Donald Trump has always depended upon conservative evangelicals as his base support. They overcame their concerns about him in 2016, thanks in part to the reassuring presence of fellow believer Mike Pence on the ballot. Trump’s Supreme Court appointments made him a hero for the religious right in 2020.

But now the relationship between the convicted felon and the self-proclaimed moralists has moved to a new and even more frightening level. Buoyed by the fall of Roe v. Wade, conservative evangelicals see a chance to enforce their Christian nationalism ideals on the country. And Trump is perfectly happy to give them every opportunity to do so.

The latest sign was Trump’s appearance last weekend at the Faith and Freedom Coalition’s “2024 Road to Majority” conference. The meeting is the largest political gathering of the religious right, with Republican leaders showing up to give speeches as homage to those in attendance.

The star attraction was the former president. Trump spoke for an hour in a speech that mainstream media described as “rambling,” a euphemism for what looked like an audition for a memory care unit.

The main point of Trump’s remarks – besides the detours into “did he really say that?” territory – is that he will bend over backwards to give conservative Christians…

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