Historic drag venue Darcelle XV Showplace asks community for help because it might shut down

Entrance to Darcelle XV Showplace
Photo: Adam Jones/via Wikipedia

Darcelle XV Showplace, a much-beloved drag venue in Portland, Oregon, has asked for community support as they risk going out of business.

“An important message to our faithful supporters of 57 years: the time has come to make difficult decisions regarding the future of Darcelle XV Showplace,” the venue said on Facebook. “As our friend Darcelle and the legacy she’s left behind has been there for the greater Community for almost 6 decades, it’s time we ask for help in return. To ensure our doors remain open we NEED your help!”

The club’s potential closing is in part due to former owner Walter Cole’s death at the age of 92 last March. He performed as the bar’s namesake, Darcelle.

Cole’s family still owns the venue, but the venue has drawn fewer crowds since his passing. “The issue is what we knew it would be,” a local performer, Kevin Cook, who performs under Poison Waters, said. “The show itself is fabulous, and the club is fabulous, but people want to see Darcelle. He is the star of the situation.”

The post told people that the best way to support the club was to…

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