Florida college dumps books related to LGBTQ+ & feminist issues

Some of the trashed books from the New College of Florida
Photo: X video screenshot

Last week, the New College of Florida suddenly threw many library books to the garbage, primarily those that formerly belonged to its now-defunct Gender and Diversity Program.

The dumping of the books was revealed on social media by Herald-Tribune reporter Steven Walker, who provided a video and photos of the event. Among the books thrown out include a book on the Hebrew language, The War of the Worlds, a book about women’s bodies, Cures: A Gay Man’s Odyssey, and various books about feminism and about Black culture.

Bacardi Jackson, executive director of the ACLU of Florida, said the incident is a mass act of censorship.

“We vehemently condemn the reprehensible actions taken by New College of Florida, where hundreds of library books—including those concerning LGBTQ+ studies—have been unceremoniously discarded, destined for a landfill. This is not merely an administrative oversight; it is an intentional act of censorship that strikes at the heart of our democratic values and the very purpose of education,” Jackson said.

Students report that they were…

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