Hate pastor threatens to kill gay pastors after same-sex couple delivers sermon

Hate Pastor Dillon Awes
Photo: X screenshot

Pastor Dillon Awes, a hate preacher at the Stedfast Baptist Church in Watauga, Texas, is upset that some Christian churches affirm LGBTQ+ people—or “sodomites” and “sexual predators,” as he calls them—and he’s especially angry that some pastors even allow queer people to speak from the pulpit.

“These fa***ts should get a bullet in their brain,” he said in a recent sermon. “They should get the death penalty, not be preaching behind the pulpit.”

Awes made his comments in response to Pastor Charles Andrew Stanley—founder and senior pastor of the nondenominational evangelical Christian megachurch North Point Ministries—who invited a married same-sex couple to deliver a sermon at a recent conference.

“In this conference, he invited two sodomites that were married to each other to preach,” Awes said. “These two sodomites were talking about…

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