New Yorkers will vote for an “equal rights amendment” to protect abortion, LGBTQ+ rights

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New York voters have the opportunity to codify abortion and protections against gender discrimination this November with New York’s Proposal 1.

Proposition 1, known as the Equal Rights Amendment, expands protections to include abortion and closes loopholes that exclude LGBTQ+ people from accessing some of the rights and protections listed in the New York State Bill of Rights.

The proposal gives residents of New York a chance to “add anti-discrimination provisions to State Constitution. It covers ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, and sex, as well as sexual orientation, gender identity, and pregnancy. Also covers reproductive healthcare and autonomy,” according to the New York State Board of Elections.

In a post-Roe world, supporters of Proposal 1 say it is deeply necessary. The New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) supports the bill, saying in a statement: “We might like to think we’re safe from these attacks here in New York, but the truth is…

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