This dad beat up his 2-year-old son for acting “gay.” He’s going away for a long time.

He told the judge his son preferred playing with Barbie dolls and kitchen sets to robots, cars, and soccer balls, so he punched him in the face.

Francisco Ricardo Sotello Baez
Photo: Screenshot People in Court

In Texas, a 23-year-old father of five was sentenced to six years in prison for severely beating his two-year-old son because he thought the toddler was gay.

Francisco Ricardo Sotello Baez was charged with family violence and assault after admitting to striking his young son in the face multiple times, causing him to bleed from the nose.

Judge Stephanie Boyd of the 187th District Court in Bexar County agreed with the prosecution’s recommendation for six years behind bars, citing previous incidents of domestic violence, including assaulting his son’s mother, which earlier earned Sotello Baez probation and court-mandated courses to address his violent behavior.

Judge Boyd expressed disappointment those interventions had failed to modify the defendant’s conduct.

A police report and his testimony at sentencing revealed…

Read full story, and more, from Source: This dad beat up his 2-year-old son for acting “gay.” He’s going away for a long time.


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