Georgia approves “terrible” sweeping anti-LGBTQ+ legislation

Georgians protesting against homophobia in downtown Tbilisi
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

The Georgian Dream Party has made good on its pledge to outlaw LGBTQ+ identity in the European country with a sweeping set of bills approved by Parliament.

Legislators approved the measures following a third and final reading of the proposed laws under the cover of “family values and the protection of minors.”

The legislation, modeled on Russian laws erasing LGBTQ+ identity, would impose draconian curbs on LGBTQ+ rights and provide a legal basis for Georgian authorities to outlaw Pride events, the rainbow flag and public displays of affection, and also to impose censorship of films and books. It restates an existing ban on same-sex marriage and outlaws gender-affirming surgery in the country.

Georgian Dream party leaders say the legislation is critical to safeguarding Georgia from…

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