Joe Biden: Gay people tend to have more courage than most people

President Joe Biden
Photo: Wikimedia Commons

“Most of the openly gay people that have worked with me, that I’ve worked with, the one advantage they have is they tend to have more courage than most people have,” President Joe Biden said in a recent interview while reflecting on LGBTQ+ activists who have fought against violence and discrimination.

Biden reportedly expressed admiration for the “men and women who broke the back of the prejudice or began to break the back,” starting with those who sparked the 1969 Stonewall Uprising.

“I was really impressed when I went to Stonewall,” Biden said, speaking of the 7.7-acre area designated as a National Monument in 2016, the nation’s first monument dedicated to LGBTQ+ history. “And I was really impressed talking to the guys who stood up at the time. I think the thing that gets underestimated is the physical and moral courage of the community, the people who broke through, who said, ‘Enough, enough,’ and they risked their lives. Some lost their lives along the way.”

“[They] took their lives in their own hands,” Biden continued. “Not a joke. It took enormous courage, enormous courage…. Most of the openly gay people that have worked with me, that I’ve worked with, the one advantage they have is they…

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