% IssueDate = "10/21/02" IssueCategory = "Events" %>
Replies to his Florida Critics State's Democrats Refused Bob Kunst's Pre-Primary Overtures Now They Complain He's a Spoiler in the November 5th Election
"Word is finally spreading that these timid 'corporate stooge' Democrats have utterly failed in their duty as an opposition party," Kunst told GayToday, "not only here in Florida, but in the U.S. Congress as well." Kunst refers to U.S. Senator Tom Daschle as a "weenie" "While 'McBush' (McBride) is claiming he's even with Bush," says Kunst, "we know differently and these stats prove he's lying." The independent candidate produced a lengthy county-by-county statistical analysis of Florida voting patterns. "We have so many voters who would go with a 3rd candidate yet they don't know we exist which, of course, is because of the corrupt corporate media, the parties and candidates who've rigged it all and as Bush said privately and ominously to me: 'The Dye Is Cast.', meaning that he expects, no matter what, to be governor again. "If they'd actually let me into the debates, we'd have truth and fireworks and expose all of the McBushit once and for all, which they could never allow or we'd win and make the changes that are necessary for our survival. "So I thought last night, that I'd offer a 15-point Blame Game to satisfy all of these scandalized Democrats so they can properly Blame It All On Kunst on November 5, 2002, getting an early start now. They can consider this Blame Game an Early Bird Special. 15 reasons to 'Blame It All on Kunst': 1. Bill McBride (McBush) won't Bash Bush, so Blame It On Kunst. 2. African-Americans believe McBush Stole the Election From Reno and they're ready to protest in November, so Blame It On Kunst. 3. 100 Key Florida Democrats. have abandoned McBush for Bush, so Blame It On Kunst. 4. McBush is lackluster, boring, passive, unprepared, mediocre and is running a miserably failing campaign, so please -- Blame It All On Kunst. 5. Florida's un-democratic Democrats couldn't even field 5 statewide races, are facing empty halls, and they gave away two cabinet seats to the GOP, and now 73 Libertarians have candidates for the State Legislature which is more than the unDems. Nor are the un-Dems willing to attack Katherine Harris and her $3millions for Stealing the Election, or to attack Tom Feeney who maneuvered in the Florida House to support Bush no matter the 2000 recount, or to criticize Tim Foley, who wanted to lock up the ballots never to be seen again in his cover-up attempt. Meanwhile three seats that might have been taken for Democrats to win control of U.S. House out of Florida have been ignored, so Blame It All On Kunst. 6. South Florida Democrats have been demeaned and given the short end of this McBush (McBride) effort bordering on idiocy, but, even so, Blame It On Kunst. 7. McBush has blown two statewide "un-debates" by being unprepared and too general and unethically and unwilling to allow Kunst into the debates out of fear of being exposed for all his McBushit, so Blame It On Kunst. 8. McBush's Law Firm, Holland and Knight's 1,400 attorney's, have scandalized and polluted this state starting with its phony voter purges, to giving the GOP over $100,000, to doing the cement plant at Ichitucknee, to protecting Attorney's from paying their fair share in taxes, but please Blame It All On Kunst. 9. McBush's 50 cents a pack on cigarettes to pay for education is like his plan to give one million of the elderly needed medicines with $10-15millions, which is pittance, a rip-off, with the grassroots in a rebellion over it, while ignoring our Stolen Elections, our Stolen Paradise, our Stolen Freedoms, our Stolen Lives and All Life Threatening issues, but please Blame It All On Kunst. 10. Now Kunst's 1% they've all ignored, will see Jeb re-elected because McBush would get all of these votes if Kunst weren't there to mess up all these calculating conspiracies of all of the above and more, so we must Blame Kunst For All Of It. 11. Instead of anything meaningful, now uncharismatic McBush and his side-show, FINALLY have an excuse for losing to Bush, which is to Blame Kunst For All Of It. 12. Let's Blame Kunst for 27% who don't like Bush and 17% who don't like McBush and all those independents who would be forced to vote for McBush if Kunst gave in, gave up, folded his tent and his ego and shut up already and stopped protesting 502 times since November 7, 2000 about all of it, mostly ignored by the media and the money-givers anyway. 13. Let's Blame Kunst for talking about and providing answers for what the Democratic operatives claim nobody's interested in, from those who gave us a bland McBush on a suicide mission for the unDems, a state and national Party that's ignored this mess they've helped create, while writing blank checks to the Bushit Brothers to compound it. 14. Let's All Blame Kunst For Exposing All the political, corporate media and Liberal Guilt Bushit making matters worse by the minute. 15. Let's All Blame "David" (Kunst) for daring to take on "Goliath", and not moving on, like the timid Democrats and the GOP demand, and instead to goose step to their losing party-line-loony-tunes. NOW DON'T YOU FEEL BETTER? Kunst is a ready-made excuse for backing a loser, (McBush) who refuses to attack Jeb Bush and who won't fight back, while he compromises all principles and is complicit in this state-wide corruption. Blaming Kunst really does help my critics all after all. Like the Boy Scouts, they're now prepared for the Third Stolen Election on November 5, 2002. |