<% IssueDate = "7/14/03" IssueCategory = "Pen Points" %> GayToday.com - Pen Points
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Pen Points
Letters to GayToday

Howard Dean for President

My friends-- I have decided to donate to the campaign of Howard Dean as the Democratic nominee for President of the United States.

Why, you ask? Because he is the only person so far willing to vociferously articulate the direction he seeks for our society, to stand up to the "powers that be" who openly vilify anyone who dares to challenge the party-in-command, and to unabashedly call for reclaiming our nation's destiny. That's why.

Platforms, promises and realities will change between now and election day, but I feel that someone must loudly proclaim--not in a "politically correct" way, either--that the direction George W. Bush and the Republicans are taking this country is not in our best interests. I believe that Dean, so far, is the only proclaimed Democratic candidate doing that. While I will end up supporting whomever receives the Democratic nomination next year, I believe that Dean's approach must be encouraged early on (which requires funding), and that such encouragement must be visible and of noticeable statistical proportion (but not necessarily large in individual amount).

That's why I am risking the vilification of those who choose the dark side to stand up and shout that I want someone who speaks for the humanity of American ideals in a way that I can support. While Bush earns mega-buck contributions for hot dogs from powermongers he so generously rewards with irresponsible tax breaks, Dean is struggling to gain legitimacy in what will potentially be one of the most important (and expensive) elections in our history. Thousands upon thousands of "ordinary" Americans can make a difference financially, motivationally and philosophically.

If you think the lies currently being told by the Bush Administration are disgusting, wait until the campaign begins in earnest! It takes money, it takes open support, and Dean tiene cojones to stand up to what will be withering attacks, misrepresentations and attempts to undermine the citizens of our country who think critically, who believe passionately, who understand holistically and who are willing to act to make changes at the top.

If such concepts as peace, equality, good will, economic opportunity, fairness, justice and inspiration appeal to you, take a stand and make your voice heard.

But don't delay, either. There is a June 30 FEC deadline for contributions in the second quarter that compel your taking action NOW. Go to http://www.deanforamerica.com/site/PageServer to make that contribution. Let the pundits and the media know that there is a groundswell in America. Forward this e-mail, or use the links on Dean's pages to send a request for a contribution out to those you know or can influence. If you support another Democratic candidate, please ask your contacts to provide support to that candidate before next Monday (and send in a donation yourself!).

If you are not yet decided on a Democratic candidate to support because you haven't spent enough time thoroughly examining the "issues," let your heart speak and let your gut react. If you don't, the "issues" will be decided by those who wield power indelicately and maliciously. Just take a stand for someone who will say "YES!" to a new direction. But do it now. Read Dean's eloquent statement on his home page and tell me you aren't moved to action! http://www.deanforamerica.com/site/PageServer

Thank you for reading this appeal to the end. If you shake your head in disbelief, if you laugh, if you roll your eyes, wondering, "what is Tom doing now?" then so be it. You'll be the recipient of whatever it is that unmitigated fundamentalist conservative idolatry foists upon you.

If you act, you've expressed yourself as someone who cares deeply about who we are as a People. That's a reward that transcends political campaigns and outcomes. http://www.deanforamerica.com/site/PageServer

Austin, Texas

Queer Questions: We're Glad You Asked!

1. It took the United States until this year to outlaw anti-sodomy acts altogether. When did the French government first remove penalties for homosexual activity? (A) 1791, (B) 1810, (C) 1871), (D) 1946).

2. What career was Gertrude Stein heading for before she moved to Paris? (A) Journalism, (B) Medicine, (C) Engineering, (D) Education.

3. One song in The Wizard of Oz has an oblique (and pejorative) reference to gay males. What is it? (A) "Over the Rainbow," (B) The Cowardly Lion's Song, (C) "Ding Dong! The Witch Is Dead", (D) The Scarecrow's Song.

(Answers at end of e-mail)

These and hundreds of other questions can be found in a new gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender quiz book by the former editor of The Letter, Louisville's own David Williams. We're Glad You Asked! is based on a series of popular quizes that ran in The Letter back in the last decade, with new quizes added.

Why not get a copy of We're Glad You Asked! today? You'll be glad you did! Available at various prices through the following outlets. Beginning in August, look for them in your favorite bookstore throughout the region.

www.bn.com (Barnes & Noble)
or order directly from the author: David Williams, 1464 S. Second St., Louisville, KY 40208: just $15 postpaid.

25% of all profits go to the Williams-Nichols Institute, corporate fundraiser for the Williams-Nichols Archive and Library for Gay and Lesbian Studies at the University of Louisville.


1. ( A). 1791. The French Revolution's new criminal code did not penalize homosexual acts unless they involved force or violated public decency. Napoleon Bonaparte would later firm up the policy in his Code Napoleon of 1810.

2. (B). She dropped out of Johns Hopkins in 1903 after suffering a great deal of unhappiness in a lesbian menage a trois with May Bookstaver and Mable Haynes. This painful experience would later become the subject of one of her first works.

3. (B). "Oh, it's sad, believe me, missy, when you're born to be a sissy without the vim and voive..." Sung in the dense part of the forest.
Us Bible Believers Know What God Loves and Hates

I'm totally against violence, and I don't think nobody should attack homosexuals because in that case, almost everybody should be attacked. Adultery is a sin and nobody attack people in that situation, fornication (having sex without getting married) is a sin and nobody attacks nobody for being in fornication, homosexuality is a sin too, but I think nobody has the right to be aggressive with gays and lesbian.

My point is why should be a gay person be oppressed and not a fornicator or an adulterer? For me is the same situation. And I like what the Bible says, "GOD loves sinners, but hate sin", in other words, "GOD love homosexuals, but hate homosexuality", means that God loves you because you are His creation and He is going to do everything to try to reach you and to show that homosexuality is not the right choice for your lives. Is not in the way He created you. But He loves you with incredible love and he wants your salvation, which comes to you with love, holiness and purity. God wants you with Him, so He is going to do whatever to lead you to Him, and homosexuality is a way that takes you far from God.

That's why homosexuality grieves His heart because separate you from Him. I know it is hard to understand this when people around us encourage us to keep in that way and when we convinced our selves already that it's OK to choice this style of life, but is not.

And I pray for all of you guys, cause I really desire your salvation, the salvation of your souls, there is no real happiness in homosexuality, because is not the way He create you, and many persons told me that they just born that way, but there are many testimonies from people in the same situation and they have been delivered, because in many cases is a spiritual bondage, and we cannot see it.

Please talk to God, that is what people call prayer, talk to Him ask Him He will lead you.

May God bless you and protect you always with His amazing love, and may your spirits be open to hear His voice. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

Marcela Lopez

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