<% IssueDate = "6/23/03" IssueCategory = "World" %> GayToday.com - World
29 Cities Poised to Protest
or Celebrate Supreme Court Decision

Compiled By GayToday

While Canadians celebrate their historic win for same sex marriage, in the U.S., national Supreme Court rally co-coordinators Robin Tyler and Andy Thayer announced today that some 29 cities have now joined the campaign to hold events celebrating or protesting the upcoming landmark decision on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered rights.

Court watchers strongly suggest that the Court will finally announce their decision in the Lawrence v. Texas case, litigated by Lambda Legal, on either Monday, June 23 or Thursday, June 26. The decision is expected to be announced at about 10:30 am Eastern Daylight Time and that evening, most of the 29 cities will hold events either celebrating or protesting the Court's ruling, depending on what it decides.

"Local organizers around the country are stepping up to the plate and taking the lead in defending their communities," said Tyler of the independently organized rallies. "Each community controls the event in their town and most of the 29 have reached out to us to help publicize and gain national visibility for their efforts. While Canada, where I was born, just legalized marriage, we in the USA are still fighting for what should be the basic human right of equal protection under the law.

As with the successful StopDrLaura campaign they helped organize, Tyler and Thayer have assisted local organizers with publicity materials, contacts, and what Thayer terms "cheap advice." "We're doing this with no funding, no foundation grants, no paid staff," said Thayer, who is also co-founder of the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network (www.CABN.org).

"As with Stop Dr. Laura, we've provided a central clearing house through the www.CABN.org/DefendOurRights website, provided rally organizing materials, and given suggestions to the local organizers, who are the heart and soul of this campaign. This is not just 'grass roots' in rhetoric, it's 'grass roots' in fact."

Activists are also encouraged to check out the www.LambdaLegal/MakingHistory website for detailed background on the case.

Here is the latest information on the Supreme Court events being organized by local activists around the country:

ATLANTA, Georgia: 6:00 - 6:30 PM - On the day of the decision, join Lambda Legal & the Atlanta LGBT and allied community for a reception & refreshments, "Lick for Liberty," at Jakes Ice Creams & Sorbets, 970 Piedmont Ave (near 10th & Piedmont). 6:30-7:00pm rally (dinner available for purchase ). Free and open to the public. For more information, contact: Lambda Legal at 404.897.1880. Visit our website at www.lambdalegal.org

AUSTIN, Texas: 6:30 PM - On the day of the decision, celebrate or Speak Out in Republic Square Park with speakers from the LGBT community leaders and Texas lawmakers (past and present). Sponsored by the Lesbian/Gay Rights Lobby of Texas. Go to a special page of their new website for more information about the rally: www.lgrl.org/lawrence ... and also check out the home page of their new website: www.lgrl.org

BOSTON, Massachusetts: 6:30 PM - On the day of the decision, a protest or a celebration depending on what the court decides. Copley Square, Boston. Co-sponsored by the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force, QueerToday.com, and the Freedom to Marry Coalition of MA (www.equalmarriage.org) For information: Thoppe@NGLTF.org; phone Trevor Hoppe 617.492.6393; or QueerToday.com or Milo200@aol.com

CHARLESTON, South Carolina: 7 PM - On the day of the decision, a meeting at the offices of the Alliance for Full Acceptance, 1818 Elsie Drive. Co-sponsors: AFFA and the Lowcountry Gay and Lesbian Alliance

CHICAGO, Illinois: 7 PM - On the day of the decision, a rally at the corner of Halsted & Roscoe. Co-sponsored by the Chicago Anti-Bashing Network and Equality Illinois / Contact: CABNstopthehate@aol.com / cabn.org or 888.471.0874. On Wednesday, June 25 the Autonomous Zone will sponsor a meeting on "The Most Important LGBT Court Decision of Our Generation," with CABN's Andy Thayer discussing the implications of the Court's decision. 7 PM, 2124 N. Milwaukee Ave, Chicago.

CLEVELAND, Ohio: 5:30 PM - On the day of the decision, a protest or a celebration, depending on what the court decides, sponsored by the Lesbian/Gay Community Center of Greater Cleveland. Location to be determined. To be contacted about the event, please go to their website, http://www.lgcsc.org/ Telephone: 216.651.LGBT, or toll-free: 888.GAY.8761 E-mail: info@lgcsc.org

COLUMBIA, South Carolina: 7 PM - On the day of the decision, an informational meeting at the Gay and Lesbian Community Center, 1108 Woodrow. Info: South Carolina Gay and Lesbian Pride Movement, 803.771.7713

DALLAS, Texas : 5:45 PM - On the day of the decision, a rally at the Main Parking Lot, John Thomas Gay & Lesbian Community Center, 2701 Reagan St. (at Brown). Speakers include: Lee Taft - South Central Regional Director, Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund; Roger Wedell - President, Dallas Gay & Lesbian Alliance; Hector Garcia - Texas Human Rights Foundation; Jane Dolkart - Professor, SMU School of Law; Hon. Terri Hodge - Texas House of Representatives; Erin Moore - DGLA-PAC & Human Rights Campaign Dallas Steering Committee; Steve Atkinson - Co-Chair, Lesbian and Gay Rights Lobby of Texas; Dennis Coleman - National Co-Chair, Human Rights Campaign Board of Governors; and, Dick Peeples - Local attorney & long-time activist in the repeal of 21.06. Info: call Lambda Legal, 214.219.8585

DETROIT, Michigan : 6 PM - On the day of the decision, a rally at the Federal Courthouse, 231 West Lafayette. Sponsored by the Triangle Foundation. Info: 313.537.3323

FAIRBANKS, Alaska: 7 PM - On the day of the decision, a rally at the intersection of University Avenue and Geist. Sponsor: Midnight Sun United Church. For more information please call 907.456.2516 or e-mail FairbanksLT@yahoo.com

FT. LAUDERDALE, Florida area: 5:30 PM - Rally outside the offices of The Express at 1595 Northeast 26th Street, Wilton Manors, on Monday afternoon, June 23, at which time a number of community leaders will be asked to respond to the decision of the United States Supreme Court on whether to uphold the constitutionality of sodomy laws in America. For more information, read the story online at www.expressgaynews.com Sunday afternoon.

GALVESTON, Texas: 5 PM - On the day of the decision, rally in front of the county courthouse on 21st street. Organized by the Galveston Stonewall Democrats. For more information, e-mail Galveston@stonewalldemocratics.org

HOUSTON, Texas: 5 PM - On the day of the decision, a rally on the steps of City Hall (901 Bagby). Join John Lawrence and Tyron Garner for this important occasion. Speakers will include GLBT leaders, lawyers, and public officials. Info: contact Mitchell Katine at 713.981.9595 or at mkatine@wba-law.com

LAWRENCE, Kansas: Queers & Allies of Kansas are sponsoring three events celebrating or decrying the decision handed down by the Supreme Court. On the Saturday following the decision, we will have a Speak Out forum that allows people to share their views on sodomy laws. Informational brochures will also be available. In addition, a "parade of information" will happen on Mass Street following the rally. During this parade of information we will hand out informative brochures to the citizens of Lawrence, KS, to educate them on sodomy. Finally, we will host a Freedom Celebration or Give Us Freedom party on July 2nd. This dance party will occur at Flanigan's Bar and Grill and will include informational brochures as well as free memorabilia commemorating the court's decision. If the court has yet to make a decision, the free memorabilia will be of a hopeful nature. Info: http://www.ku.edu/~qanda/sodomy/ or http://www.ku.edu/~qanda, or contact Queers & Allies by e-mailing jimmiemanning@yahoo.com

LOS ANGELES/WEST HOLLYWOOD, California: 7 PM - On the day of the decision, rally at the West Hollywood Auditorium (the Auditorium is located on San Vicente between Santa Monica and Melrose). Event is co-sponsored by the Movement for Action and Accountability and the City of West Hollywood / Speakers will include attorney Jon Davidson from Lambda Legal, attorney Gloria Allred, attorney Martha Matthews from the ACLU of Southern California, Assembly people Jackie Goldberg and Paul Koretz, the West Hollywood City Council, including Mayor Jeffrey Prang, Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, Rev. Troy Perry, moderator, UFMCC, Rabbi Denise Egar, Kol Ami, Lori Jean,ED, Gay & Lesbian Community Service Center, Michael Weinstein, EDAids Healthcare Foundation, Tom Coleman, attorney, Movement for Action & Accountability, David Cruz, Law Professor, UCLA, rally organizer Ivy Bottini, co chair City of West Hollywood Lesbian & Gay Advisory Board, and Supreme Court Rallies National co-corordinator, Robin Tyler. Contact: Rally & press Ryan Gierach 323.650.2879 or Ryan.G@Journalist.com Press: Ivy Bottini (323) 574-4407 or Irene71@aol.com

MIAMI, Florida: 6:30-9:30 PM - On the day of the decision, rally sponsored by SAVE Dade, at the American Legion Bar, 6445 NE 7th Avenue, Miami. For more information, please contact: Jacqueline Baker, 305.751.7283, GreenJacqueline@yahoo.com, www.SAVEDade.org

MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin: 5 PM, Monday, June 23 at the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center, 315 West Court Street. Sponsored by the Milwaukee LGBT Community Center and the Center Advocates. For more information contact OutVote@mkelgbt.org or 414.271.2656, ext.119 http://mkelgbt.org/OutVote/

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana: 6 PM - On the day of the decision, rally at Lafayette Park (across from the federal court house). For more information call Courtney Shark at 504.669.7508, or email stressgone@aol.com

NEW YORK CITY, New York: 7 PM - On the day of the decision, a rally at Stonewall Park (7th Ave/Christopher St). Sponsored by Queers For Peace And Justice NYC. Info: QueersForPeaceAndJustice@yahoo.com

OKLAHOMA CITY, Oklahoma: 7 PM - On the day of the decision, the Stonewall Democrats of Central Oklahoma and GAYOKC.COM invite you to a rally at the Finishline at The Habana Inn in OKC. To keep updated go to GAYOKC.COM

PALM SPRINGS, California: 7 PM - Arenas Road. On the day of the decision, a rally sponsored by the Stonewall Democrats of Palm Springs. For information: phone 760.320.5787 or e-mail info@desertstonewall.org

PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania: PLGTF Year 25 Equality and Justice Public Forum on the US Supreme Court's Decisions re: the Texas sodomy law and the Michigan Affirmative Action cases, 6 PM sharp to 8 PM, Monday, June 30, at the Friends Center, 1501 Cherry Street (accessible, parking lots available). Join a conversation with Philadelphia legal scholars and practitioners about the Supreme Court's pending decisions. Presenters include: Phoebe Haddon, J.D., LL.M., Professor of Law, Temple University; Cletus P. Lyman, Esq., Principal, Lyman & Ash Immediate Past Chair, Gay and Lesbian Lawyers of Philadelphia (GALLOP); Seth Kreimer, J.D., Associate Dean and Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania Law School. Light refreshments will be provided. For information: 215-241-7000 or 215 772-2000, or plgtf@plgtf.org and www.plgtf.org

PITTSBURGH, Pennsylvania: 5 PM - On the day of the decision, meet at Sentator Santorum's office, 1 Station Square...if the Court votes "no" we will then snake march to the U.S. District Court building at Liberty & Grant. Co-sponsored by RESYST and the Rosenberg Institute for Peace and Justice. For information: David Meieran, 412.421.7716, dmeieran@123mail.org, or check out RESYST's website, http://www.thomasmertoncenter.org/resyst/sodomy

RICHMOND, Virginia: 3 PM - On the day of the decision, a press conference at the Bell Tower at the Capitol. Info: Dyana Mason, Equality Virginia, 804.643.4816

SALT LAKE CITY, Utah: 6 PM - On the day of the decision, a rally at the Capitol Building, 4130 State Office Building (at the end of State Street in Salt Lake City). Sponsored by Utah Lawyers for Human Rights (ULHR). For more information e-mail bardoi@yahoo.com Press contact: Marlin Criddle, attorney-email marloncriddle@aros.net, (801) 474-2299 or cell (801) 661-2623.

SAN FRANCISCO, California: 5 PM - On the day of the decision, a press conference and rally at Harvey Milk Plaza (Castro & Market Streets). Speakers will include: Tommi Avicolli-Mecca, longtime queer activist with the Housing Rights Committee of San Francisco and Out Against the War Coalition; Tory Becker, LAGAI - Queer Insurrection; Sister Kitty Catalyst O.C.P. & Sister Dana Van Iquity leading a ritual blessing and kiss-in; Chris Daley, Transgender Law Center; Tina D'Elia, Hate Violence Survivors Project Director, Community United Against Violence; Paula Ettelbrick, Executive Director, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC); Calvin Gipson, board member SF LGBT Pride Committee; Robert Haaland, President, Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club; San Francisco Ballet; Kate Kendell, Executive Director, National Center for Lesbian Rights; Dr. Robert Lawrence, Notorious Bisexual; Dr. Carol Queen, Executive Director - Center for Sex & Culture, Good Vibrations; Jamez Smith, San Francisco-based poet; Beth Teper, Executive Director, Children Of Lesbians And Gays Everywhere (COLAGE); Hank Wilson, SURVIVE AIDS; Andy Wong, OUTfront Program, Amnesty International USA. Event co-sponsors include (list in formation): Organizations participating in the event include: Amnesty International USA, Beautiful Lips On Whistles (BLOW), Center for Sex & Culture, Good Vibrations, Children Of Lesbians And Gays Everywhere (COLAGE), Community United Against Violence, Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club, International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (IGLHRC), LAGAI - Queer Insurrection, QueerNet, a project of the Online Policy Group, SURVIVE AIDS, Transgender Law Center. For more information: 415.552.6031 or Mecca44@aol.com

SEATTLE, Washington: 5:30 PM - On the day of the decision, rally on the steps of the Federal Courthouse on 5th Avenue. Co-sponsors include Lambda Legal, the ACLU of Washington and Seattle LGBT Community Center. Speakers include Jamie Pedersen of Lambda's national board; and Representatives Ed Murray and Joe McDermott. Info: jamiep@prestongates.com

TUCSON, Arizona: 7 PM - On the day of the decision, a rally around the upcoming decision by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Lawrence v. Texas Supreme Court case will take place across the street from Wingspan LGBT Community Center, 300 E. 6th St. (in the parking lot of Muse). The rally is sponsored by Wingspan, the Arizona Human Rights Fund and the City of Tucson Commission on GLBT Issues. For more information contact (520) 624-1779 or visit www.wingspan.org.

WASHINGTON, DC: 7 PM - On the day of the decision, a rally at Dupont Circle Park. Co-sponsored by Queers for Racial and Economic Justice & DC Radical Faeries / Contact: Jench1977@hotmail.com or 301.277.1854
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