<% IssueDate = "8/13/03" IssueCategory = "World" %> GayToday.com - World
Barney Frank Analyzes
Bush's Objections to Same-Sex Unions

Compiled by GayToday
U.S. Representative Barney Frank

Rep. Barney Frank says Bush's objections to same-sex marriages are strictly political Washington, D.C.-In the wake of George W. Bush's public assault on same-sex unions, U.S. Representative Barney Frank (D-Massachusetts) has provided a trenchant political analysis of Mr. Bush's motivations. It is clear, says Frank, that "Karl Rove is not on summer vacation." Representative Frank's analysis says:

"Faced with bad news on virtually every important policy front -- Iraq, North Korea, Liberia, the deficit, unemployment, congressional deadlock on prescription drugs -- President Bush has taken the advice of his chief advisor, Mr. Rove, and tried to change the subject, even though it means repudiating a position taken by vice presidential candidate Dick Cheney at the height of the presidential campaign.

"Incredibly, Mr. Bush is trying to persuade the country that instead of persistent high unemployment, one trillion dollars in new federal debt over the next two years, continued American deaths in Iraq, unhindered progress towards a North Korean nuclear capacity and a bogging down on his agenda in Congress, Americans should be seriously worried about the prospect that two men who love each other might be allowed to become legally and financially responsible for each other.

"If the tactic seems familiar, it's because it is. In 1996, faced with Bill Clinton's popularity, the Republicans rolled out the Defense of Marriage Act, asserting -- wholly falsely it is now clear -- that a tidal wave of gay marriages was about to surge out of Hawaii and engulf America.

"With President Bush's popularity dropping and the serious problems confronting America worsening, the Administration seeks to divert attention by demagoguing on the issue of same-sex unions. This is a far cry from October of 2000 when, seeking votes from supporters of equal rights, Dick Cheney told a national television audience that the question of same-sex relationships should be left to the states, and that there should be no federal policy on the matter.

"Now, with the votes gained from that appeal safely in hand, and with political troubles mounting, Mr. Rove has prescribed a little demagogic dishonesty. As with the war in Iraq, we are now told that Mr. Cheney's campaign assertion is to be filed under the heading of "never mind," and the American people are to be persuaded that repelling the threat of same-sex couples rivals unemployment, trillions in new debt, and a quagmire in Iraq as problems facing the nation."
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